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Associate Editor - Gordon E. White Historical Advisors - David Hedrick, Gordon White, Joe Freeman, Jim Himmelsbach, Michael Ferner The Miller/Offenhauser Historical Society was organized in 1999 to preserve and publicize the racing designs of Harry A. Miller, Fred Offenhauser, and Leo Goossen. Our goal is to discover, collect, and memorialize the history and products created by these individuals, from about 1917 to 1945. |
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Copyright © 2017 Harold Peters. Email address: milleroffy@comcast.net |
It was with Miller that young draftsman Goossen found the most fertile environment for what he had within him to express. This environment was composed of Miller's benign patronage, his boundless promotional daring, his volcanic imagination, and his confidence in Leo's dedicated ability to translate pencil scrawls and inspired mutterings into screaming and durable machinery.
It was composed, too, of dour but wryly humorous Fred Offenhauser's exceptional talents in commanding and efficiently administering what was, in effect, a combined jewelry and race-car factory. Miller lived for the dream of an unending series of ever more perfect machines. Leo and Fred provided the competent hands and feet-on-the-ground approach that enabled Miller to survive in the real world. What the three had in common was an acceptance of the concept of the thoroughbred machine - acceptance at the least and life-motive at the most."1
1Griffith Borgeson, The Golden Age of the American Racing Car, 2nd ed. (Warrendale: SAE, Inc., 1998), p.84.
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